Spirituality In Everyday Life
Norris Burkes
As a military and hospital chaplain, I routinely observe the stories of faith in the everyday lives of real people. My site tells those faith stories in a humorous, hope-filled, and honest way. I believe you will find them inspiring and potentially life-changing. Most of all, I believe the insight within these stories will connect with your story in a meaningful way. Enjoy!
Thriving Beyond Surviving
As a hospital and military Chaplain Norris Burkes has seen things he must never tell. Yet as a syndicated columnist in 38 secular newspapers around the country, he has found ways to share shades of the sacred with his readers.
This book compiles ten years of newspaper columns that takes you into the military battlefield as well as the trauma rooms of major hospitals.
Recent Columns From Norris Burkes
Practice with FBI Citizens Academy at shooting range By Norris Burkes Feb 14 2025 Did You Miss National Backwards Day? Apologies for this belated announcement. But, Jan 31 was “National Backwards Day.” No, it’s a real thing, chaplain-honest. My wife, a retired schoolteacher chastised me for not reminding you sooner. Every year her elementary schools […]
[Read More]By Norris Burkes, Feb 8. 2025 During my adolescent years, I rarely introduced myself with verbal clarity. My soft introductions were hard to hear and communicated more doubt than any kind of confident identity. I’d try to tell people that my name was Norris, but they’d often respond with a one-word question. “What?” If I […]
[Read More]By Norris Burkes Feb 2 2024 I’m the part-time pastor at Community Church in Nevada City, CA and like most pastors, I send out a weekly email to church members and friends previewing my sermon topic and promoting our upcoming events. After the election, I received this jarring email from a local person we’ll call […]
[Read More]By Norris Burkes Jan 26, 2025 I first met Bill at Baylor University. He was a fellow ministerial student who imprinted his fraternity shirt with a mock Latin phrase, “Quid tibi est?” In 1978, Google was still a long way off, so my fellow pledges asked him to translate it. “What’s it to you?” he […]
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